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StyleMyCatalog Types of GST Returns : Forms, Due Dates & Penalties

Types of GST Returns : Forms, Due Dates & Penalties

Types of GST Returns: Forms, Due Dates & Penalties

Goods and Services Tax (GST) returns are essential for businesses to report their sales, purchases, and taxes paid or collected. There are various types of GST returns, and each has a specific form, due date, and penalty for late filing. Understanding these returns is crucial to ensure compliance with the law and avoid penalties.

Types of GST Returns

Here are the different types of GST returns that businesses must file based on their category and business activities:

Due Dates for GST Returns

The due dates for filing various GST returns are as follows:

Penalties for Late Filing of GST Returns

Late filing of GST returns attracts penalties. The penalties for non-filing or late filing of GST returns are:

How to Avoid Penalties?

Understanding and complying with GST return filing requirements is crucial for businesses to avoid penalties and stay compliant with the law. Always stay updated with due dates and file returns accurately and on time!